Agustus 10, 2007

Transportation to Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Banda Aceh Transportation
A flight from Medan to Banda aceh

Banda Aceh could be reach by Air Transportation. All flights from Jakarta is indirect, where the plane have a 30 minutes transit at POLONIA AIR port Medan. Then continue to Banda Aceh in about 45 minutes. The flight landed at Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Port, located 15 km from Banda Aceh City Center. The trip from Jakarta to Banda Aceh is a nice Experience, in a good weather condition, we can enjoy a beautiful landscape of Sumatra island from South to the North. The ticket fare is depend on the Air liner, it range from IDR. 600,000,- to more than a million Rupiah ( 60 to 120 US.$ ), an additional air port tax is IDR. 30,000. Adam Air, Lion Air, SriwiJaya Air are the domestic air line which offer a good fare ticket , while Garuda Indonesia is a Premium air line with the ticket fare more higher than the others.

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