Agustus 10, 2007 Medan

Many tourists choose to use Medan as a quick thru-point to travel elsewhere in Sumatra, but the city offers a glimpse of a large Indonesian city still unfrequented by western tourists, and shouldn't be quickly dismissed. However, Medan is more chaotic and has a bit more litter than Jakarta or Denpasar and open sewers abound. Furthermore, not as many people speak English in Medan as in other large Indonesian cities, but even a short list of useful expressions goes a long way, and Sumaterans are still unjaded by westerners.

Maimoon Palace ----->
Vihara Borobudur (Buddhist Temple)
Vihara Gunung Timur (Chinese Temple)
Mesjid Raya Mosque
Kesawan Square
Merdeka Walk (5 mins from Kesawan Square)

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